In this blog I will be  talking about myself and the life I live everyday. I like to think that for my birthday billions of people pop fireworks for me. The reason I think this is because my birthday falls on New Years Eve, the last day of the year. Family means everything to me and I would give my life for any of my family members. God truly has blessed me with the most amazing family I could have asked for. One of the things we, me especially, like to do is travel. Over the past six years there is not a summer vacation of which I don't hold a fond memory. My love for my family comes from the gratitude I have attained over the years. The many things they have done for me are the roots of this gratitude. I can't imagine my life without my family. Without them I would not be the same person, traveler, or lover that I am.


        I am a proud citizen of San Antonio, Texas. My main goal over the next fifteen years is to obtain a Ph.D.


    September 2012

